Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mischa's in bed early tonight :)
I get to shower alone. Yay for shaved legs (if I can reach around my belly), and feeling somewhat normal and feminine again!!

I hope she wakes up nicer tomorrow. This morning was pretty horrible, and she didn't improve until after lunch. I'm not just talking about cranky. She was back talking, mimicking, screaming, crying, hitting, kicking, pinching, throwing herself on the floor to do some of the afore mentioned outbursts, and I'm pretty sure she thought about biting. Oh, and this is because Dusty got her Captain Crunch (which she asked for!), but when she saw I had Cheerios, she wanted Cheerios, and wasn't going to be pleased until her cereal was swapped out. I'm sure there were a few other triggers as well, since this lasted from about 9 am until noon-ish. But that was the first big one. Drove. Me. Nuts.

I've realized today that it shouldn't be too difficult to throw myself into labor with this one. Dusty and I have already talked about once it starts cooling off and I'm in my 30ish weeks, we'll start taking walks. Just short ones at first to build up my tolerance, then gradually make them longer so that when we're around 38-40 weeks, if it's not too cold, we can go for decent walks and maybe get some labor progressing. Well, this afternoon, the three of us went for a very short walk, around two blocks, and back. We weren't to the first road before I started having some pains in my lower right side, and I could definitely feel my legs and arms working from pushing the stroller. Then we were about halfway through our walk and the pain in my side spread across the whole lower part of my belly and I was cramping for the next quarter of our block. Then it all stopped as suddenly as it came on. I'm glad it stopped, but it also kind of worries me for how quickly my labor will come on when it's time. I had to be induced with Mischa, but once the cervadil did its thing, I was right into labor and didn't need the pitocin. And it was about 12 hours from the time they put the cervadil in to the time she was born! So I'm pretty sure this labor will be quick as well, I just hope it's not too fast. Dusty is worried he'll be at work when I go into labor. Why am I even going on so long about this?! I'm only 28 weeks!!

Ugh, I'm going to go shower and just enjoy some hot water. Then maybe get Emery's blanket progressing again. I swear I'm never using this stitch again. It's the puff stitch, and it's pretty and soft, but it's a pain in the butt and takes a LOT of yarn! I'm sure it doesn't help I modified the pattern a little from what the video shows, but it'll be worth it. I'll post pictures if I ever finish it.

Ok seriously, on to a fabulous shower, then some crocheting in front of the TV!

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