Tuesday, August 24, 2010

There is so much to catch up on. Andrea. Indy Zoo. Baby shopping. Diaper bags. Almost melt down in Hobby Lobby. Etc...

*Deep breath*

Ok, so Andrea was released from the hospital and sent home, just the beginning signs of preeclampsia. But she FINALLY has her c-section date, and we will be meeting Miss Evelyn Mae on September 7th :). Well, that's when she'll be born. We won't be attempting to visit until that weekend or later. I really don't want to crowd her. I know she's got a huge group of friends, and I know a lot of family are planning on being there during her c-section (in the waiting room, of course), and I just don't want to add to the chaos.

Our trip to the zoo was amazing and totally worth the exhaustion! I'm particularly fond of this photo:
Ok, I'm getting ahead of myself.. First off, our hotel room was AMAZING. Definitely going back there. We stayed at the Best Western Atrea and had the best stay ever. 
Mischa jumping around on the awesome beds :)

I wish I had taken pictures of Mischa swimming in the pool, but we were too busy having fun to stop and take pictures. After swimming (which was cut short because of a poopy swimmers), we showered and headed out for dinner. Pizza Hut. My heartburn fired up just smelling the pizza. But it was worth it. After Pizza Hut, we headed to Walmart. I needed creamer, because I needed coffee. During our hunt for a parking lot, we saw an empty box in an empty parking spot. Someone had bought a grill, assembled it, and left the box. Only in Indiana. But oh, it gets better! While in the check out line, a young lady, probably about my age, pushed her cart into the next check out line. She had her infant son in the seat, he was probably about 9 months old, and her boyfriend/husband PASSED OUT DRUNK in the back of the cart with all their groceries piled on top of him. Seriously?! If you're that drunk (at 6pm!), maybe you should have stayed home! Again, only in Indiana. Or maybe Michigan... (just to frustrate my cousin, who swears Michigan is the best state ever... More on her later...)

Bedtime was difficult that evening, just because it was so quiet and unlike home in the hotel room. But once Mischa fell asleep, she was gone the entire night. Dusty and I, on the other hand, had the worst time trying to sleep. I don't know what his problem was, but I was constantly checking on Mischa, who was in her own bed, to make sure she wasn't falling out.

Saturday, we got up early and were at the zoo by 10:30. Which is crazy for us. Anyway, we had a GREAT time! Mischa is still talking about all the animals she saw, including the dolphin show. Here are a few pictures:

On the way home.

Baby shopping. I made us all pack up and go shopping yesterday. I think we're doing Emmy's little area in our room with a Paris theme, and I wanted to find a poster to go over the crib, so we went to Hobby Lobby. I about had a melt down because I couldn't find what I was looking for, but in all fairness, I didn't know what I was looking for. So I gave up, and we headed to Babies R Us. 
We ended up buying a diaper bag there, because I really don't think we'll be able to order the two diaper bags we want, and I'm really wanting to get her bag packed and ready. I already have my toiletry bag ready. Still have lots of time to work on everything else! Anyway, I was having a really hard time (emotional, hormonal, tired, hungry, cranky, couldn't find the right poster, couldn't get the right diaper bag, etc), but I'm falling in love with this thing. I know that whatever we get, it's going to be my purse for who knows how long, and I'll be packing not only Emmy's things, but also Mischa's pull ups and wipes as well. Potty training is taking a little longer than anticipated, but that's ok. But um, yeah. This fits the bill, and I'm sure it'll last through Emmy, and hopefully whoever is next as well. At least it better, for what we spent on it!

After Babies R Us, we headed to the mall and ate, and that put both Mischa and I in a better mood. Chinese food is amazing.

Side note: Dusty is convinced that we can have our bedroom, Mischa's (the girls') bedroom, and the living room painted before Emery is born. We'll see about that. But it would definitely be awesome.

On to my cousin, Samantha. She's been staying with my parents for about a week and a half now, and I'll be doing her senior pictures tomorrow. There are lots of locations on our list, and I hope I have the energy for it! But they'll turn out amazing. She's a gorgeous girl :). My list of photography shoots that I have no experience in is getting smaller, and it's all happening pretty quickly. This is turning out to be quite rewarding :). If only people would start booking more appointments...

Anyway, just 6 days until we see our baby girl again, and we're SO excited!!!

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