Tuesday, August 31, 2010

28 Weeks

Yesterday was my 28 week appointment, and it went great :). (And yes, we did find an easy alternate route to Mom's house, and made it to my appointment early)

We got there, checked in, went downstairs to drink the lovely orange drink, went back upstairs and paid Tracy for the ultrasound, did our ultrasound (pictures will follow, hold on), went back downstairs and had my blood drawn (I should have the results by tomorrow), went back upstairs for my appointment and waited for an hour for them to call me back. I'm pretty sure they called my name while I was getting my blood drawn though, then just forgot to check to see if I was back. Anyway, everything in my appointment was fine. I've gained a total of 6lbs so far, which my doctor is just glad to see me gaining. I've graduated to biweekly appointments now. I go back on the 17th.

And here are the 3D pictures :)

She was sucking on her fingers a lot, and we even saw her sticking her pinky up her nose. Lovely huh?
She's measuring about 4 days small, and she only weighs about 2lbs 4oz, so I've got another small baby :).

After my appointment, I went to get lunch, or I would have gotten sick, then off to get Mischa. I took her over to a friend's house, because she was throwing a kiddie pool party. It was nice to have some mommy talk and just let the kids run around and go crazy. There were a few pools and a sandbox, and the kids had a blast!

Well, Mischa is being her moody, pushy, clingy self, so I'll just leave you with a picture from Sunday that reminds me that she can be sweet sometimes...

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