Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ok, so I never got around to the crocheting in front of the TV, but my shower was fabulous :). I ended up in bed by 10, and lights out just before 11. Which NEVER happens to me. I'm ALWAYS up after midnight, especially when Dusty is on nights. But I'm getting farther along, Emery is having more growth spurts and taking more out of me, so I'm absolutely exhausted. Even though I went to bed early, I didn't get a whole lot of extra sleep. Mischa had me up at 2:30 crying, I never found out why because she settled right down once I got in there. She had me hold her for a while, then I laid her down after she was passed out, and was back in bed around 3:20. But then she woke up ticked off that I left the room and was screaming at/for me at 3:30. Since she obviously wasn't in any danger, wasn't sick or hurt, just mad, I let her cry. She ended up joining me in bed after a few minutes. So then I got to sleep until Dusty got home, which was around 7:20ish. She woke up after he had been home for a little while, which I expected. I thought I would get better rest letting her sleep with me and getting up when Dusty got home, rather than sitting in her room for who knows how long, who knows how many times then MAYBE sleeping in.

She was, thankfully, in a good mood this morning, and she even let me crash on the couch for a couple hours after breakfast. She insisted on eating breakfast outside, which was easy to allow since she wanted waffles. If it were cereal, that would be a different story (especially since between bites, she would run circles around the patio!). She likes to travel with her food, and her cereal would have been spilled somehow and she probably would have had a meltdown.

It was a sweet few moments, and she actually finished her food. She's not been eating well lately for some reason, and I even stocked up on Pediasure and other snacks that would guarantee her nutrients without her knowing that Mommy really wanted her to eat them. She even asked for more waffles for lunch, so we had waffles with peanut butter, and she finished her lunch as well. I don't think I've ever been so happy to see that girl eat! She didn't eat her dinner very well though, which is surprising. We had spaghetti and garlic bread, and it's usually guaranteed that she'll finish off the bread and try to sneak another, but she barely made a dent in it.

Normally, I try to wait until around 10 to bring the dog in, but he's being really obnoxious and loud and barking and anything and nothing, so I think I'm going to bring him in, force myself to get some crocheting done (I swear I couldn't STOP crocheting things in the first trimester!), then probably go to bed early again.

Oh, I found out today that I failed my glucose test, by TWO POINTS!!! The cut off with my doctor is 135, and I got 137. So I go in Friday morning (I have to be there at 8!) to do the 3 hour test. I'll be walking out the door as soon as Dusty walks in from work. It's going to be a long day for both of us. * sigh *

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