Saturday, August 28, 2010

Last night didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped, but you can just revisit the picture I posted at the end of my last post and know why.

Mischa didn't even want to go. Seriously?! My parents are pretty much her favorite people in the world, and she didn't want to go over there. I asked her if she was ready to go, and she says "Not really." What two-year-old says "Not really"?! She was busy riding her bike and couldn't be bothered. So we took the bike. Then on the way there, she tells me that she doesn't want to sleep there (which was the plan!). So I told her we would talk about it when we got there and see how she felt. "Ok Mommy." After we were there a while, I informed Mom of what was said, so we asked Mischa if she wanted to sleep there or at home. She said she wanted to stay with Dza dza (my dad, and for future reference, "Bousha" is my mom). So I thought we were set. Until I told her that I needed to leave soon and she told me she didn't want to go with me. Which means, it's still been on her mind. Which explained why, when I told her I needed hugs and kisses bye-bye, she then threw herself to the floor and said she wanted to go with me. So we enticed her to stay a few hours, eat chocolate Cheerios and watch Finding Nemo, then when Dusty and I were done eating they would bring her home. I checked up on her while we were eating, and I guess anytime she heard a noise outside or at the front door, she would ask if her mommy was back. Well, I'm not really sure what happened, as she isn't home yet so I haven't had a chance to ask my parents, but I got a text later on saying Nevermind, she's staying, we'll talk to you tomorrow. So, they still have my child. And, of course, I was still up at 9:30. Not a whole lot of sleeping in, but it's been nice to just sit here and sip my coffee. And I didn't have to share my Cheerios this morning :)

I'm hoping to leisurely finish my coffee, which may not happen since I don't have Mischa to interrupt said coffee break, do dishes, and get at least the living room picked up before she gets home. I may need to ban all food from the living room because of this chick. She likes to travel too much!

Well, I'll leave you with the most recent belly shot, taken Monday at 27 weeks, featuring Mischa in her new Colts jersey. Which she refused to take off for two days. What a kid. I love her :)

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