Friday, August 27, 2010

Does the exhaustion never end??!! Ugghhhh.....

Anyway, I did my cousin Samantha's senior pictures Wednesday. It was a lot of traveling (eight locations) and lots of work, but very worth the outcome. It was fun too, I'm not going to lie.

And here is how the past week has been for me:

Over EVERYTHING. I'm not kidding. The pictured meltdown was because she ate all the top crust off of the Hawaiian bread the day before, and the bottom crust wasn't good enough. And it's really been that wonderful. My parents are taking her overnight tonight, and I am looking forward to it, but I wish she wasn't like this all day. She's in a good mood for the moment, but who knows what that will drastically change. Her fits have gotten dangerous lately. She doesn't seem to care how many spankings she gets, she keeps kicking (which is where it gets dangerous, she's been kicking my stomach accidentally). I know she needs more sleep, but she won't nap, and when she does, she wakes up more mean than she was before the nap! I can't win!

And she's started copying. Oh. My. Lord. 
She will copy everything Dusty or I say, even when we start counting, until we get to "3", then she immediately covers her booty and whines that she doesn't want a spanking. She is such a two year old.

Supposedly, Dusty and I are having a date night tonight, but now I'm not so sure. I'm already exhausted from dealing with Mischa's tantrums all day (she had a few meltdowns in Dairy Queen. Lovely.), and he isn't able to leave work early like he was hoping. So that puts us having dinner after 8pm. I'm not sure I can do that.

I'm too tired to think anymore right now. I think I'll go snuggle the couch... If Mischa's feeling nice enough, maybe she'll join me.

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