Thursday, August 5, 2010

Life Is Wonderful :)

Ok, so I've been on this emotional high since we found out that Dusty is FINALLY getting the bonus from work that they were supposed to have approved by May. Yeah, last time I checked, it's August. But anyway..... that's going to really help us get out of a sticky financial situation that we're in (long story short, his supervisor switched up his schedule, which meant a small check that was unexpected, then they also cut his pay with no warning) and get us back on track. I know this emotional high will be over tomorrow when I sit down to write out bills (we don't get the bonus check until next week), but I'm soaking it up while I can!

I've been looking at diaper bags because the one I have from Mischa is a little worn, and Dusty has requested a more manly bag this time around so he doesn't feel like his manhood is being questioned (my interpretation). And I am SO excited about the ones I have found! The one on the top is obviously more for me, but the other one we're both in love with. We're hoping that these can be our little splurge with the bonus he's getting (after we're responsible adults and pay bills and take Mischa on a shopping spree... errmm.... get her winter clothes like jeans and stuff...)

I'm really not sure if I'm actually having a baby shower this time around. I'd love to, but no one on Dusty's side has really mentioned throwing one, I'm not allowed to throw one for myself, and my mom and baby sister Jackie (ok so she's 12, she's still the baby) are talking about throwing one in October, but I just never know what's going to happen lol. I'm sure they're well-intentioned, but they're busy people! They've got better things to do. Anyway, I've made a registry anyway, maybe just for my own mind's sake of having a list of some sort somewhere. So, just so I can say I've registered and told someone.... Hey, I'm registered at BabiesRUs!

This is something else I've registered for. (Forgive the formatting.)
And I'm determined to get it lol. I've heard a lot of criticism about this wash pod (by Lionheart), but I really think it's a good idea! I've tried the traditional bath with Mischa, and it was always a rough time for her. So I'm going to give this one a try. I hope it works out, because is seems like it would be more comfortable for the baby. Yes, it's a glorified bucket, but it has a cushion in it! And it keeps the baby in the comfort of the fetal position, and she can be up to her shoulders in warm water. No, I'm not trying to convince myself of this! I'm sold!

Quick update on Miss Emery herself, and not just things I want to buy for her..

She's doing fantastic :). Growing lots, keeping me uncomfortable! I'm amazed at how shallow my belly button is. I never lost it with Mischa, but it's looking like quite the possibility this time. She likes to scratch me every now and then, which is the most painful pregnancy experience I can think of besides labor itself. She's doing it as I type, and I really wish she would stop. She's been doing it off and on all day. I thought maybe she lost interest in it because she hasn't done it in a few weeks, but here we are again...

She LOVES her daddy :). She's getting to the point where she's getting squished and likes to stretch out as much as possible, and when she does that, the only way to get her to stop is to have Dusty talk to her. And it's like she just goes limp! Sweet relief!

Her personality just cracks me up already, because she's SO much like Mischa. These two are going to be interesting! Last week, Mischa fell asleep with her hand on my belly, and she was obviously oblivious to Emery kicking the crap out of her arm! It was like my stomach was having a seizure, and Mischa was blissfully unaware of anything but the inside of her eyelids. Which, by the way, bedtime is getting to be rather difficult. Mischa still likes to have me (and only me!) hold her as she falls asleep, but we're working on getting her to put herself to sleep. We do our bedtime prayers, and have some cuddle time (otherwise she just plays around and bedtime takes hours), then when she's all relaxed she'll crawl in bed and fall asleep after a while. It worked two nights this week. Tonight, though, she was so tired, she passed out during our cuddle time. So I had to lift her into to bed, but it wasn't too bad since I hadn't done too much today to strain my back. That won't work tomorrow though. We have lots of running to do. Fridays suck in that sense.

On to photography business real quick. The maternity shoot went amazing, and I'll try to post a few pictures this weekend. I've been SOOO tired, which is why it takes me so long to update this. But we'll get back to pregnancy stuff later. I am so excited to have the experience of doing maternity pictures. It has me motivated and inspired to do my own. I'm also really hoping to do someone's newborn photos soon. I really want to get that experience as well. Having done these photography jobs (the wedding, and now the maternity session), has already helped my "publicity". I already have one, and possibly three, maternity sessions planned. My SIL Andrea (who has been on bedrest for 14 weeks!! Wonder woman there!), just has a few more weeks until we meet her little Evelyn, and she's asked me to photo her belly :). Her pregnancy has really been a miracle, and I'm so excited to have such an awesome part of documenting it. She has some really creative ideas, so it's going to be fun! And two of my friends, who are both due in January, have asked me to do their maternity photos as well. I'm hoping to be able to, I just hope they're willing to do them in October. I just do not think I'll be up for it in November.

It is now past midnight, which is nothing new for me. Heartburn from hell has been keeping me up until 1am or later lately, which is why I've been so exhausted. Even sitting straight up, and having not eaten for a few hours, I was feeling the acid creeping up my throat. Not a good feeling. I discovered today that I DO have some Pepcid Complete, and I will be taking that soon in hopes that I can sleep through the night! Normally, I just use Tums, but it's not been cutting it. I'll take two, and an hour later wake up needing more. If I even got to sleep in between doses.

My next appointment is at the end of the month. I'll be 28 weeks, and we also have our 3D ultrasound scheduled for that day. Unfortunately, so is my glucose test. Thankfully it's just the 1 hour long one. Unless they screw up my lab order sheet again like they did when I was pregnant with Mischa, and they make me do the 3 hour. I will make someone's day as awful as mine if they do that again. (I had to do the 3 hour, then someone realized the mistake, I had to go back in for the 1 hour. Failed it, and had to go yet again for the 3 hour. Not fun.)

So, since it takes me forever to update (and I then end up write a novel), my next blog ought to full of awesome stuff!!

PS- Since it is after midnight, it is also officially my Uncle Ronnie's birthday. My parents and Jackie are leaving tomorrow to stay with the extended family for the weekend and be a support net for my grandma. We, unfortunately, can't make it, but I wish we could. It still hits me hard some days that he's gone, and.... it's really hard to be ok with it.


  1. I absolutely LOVE your post here! The bags are ADORABLE! And Mischa is so cute with the things she does. I am also so glad that your pregnancy is going so well. You really deserve this after all you have been thru. Chris and I have decided since we aren't adopting Brandi's baby then we are gonna try again for one of our own as soon as he gets home in December. I can't wait! I'm gonna look up your baby registry and get you something as soon as we have the money. Believe me, I understand financial difficulties. lol

  2. one of my friends used the wash pod and really liked it. she had pictures of her baby in it and she seemed so content and happy..i think its a cool idea.
