Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mischa's in bed early tonight :)
I get to shower alone. Yay for shaved legs (if I can reach around my belly), and feeling somewhat normal and feminine again!!

I hope she wakes up nicer tomorrow. This morning was pretty horrible, and she didn't improve until after lunch. I'm not just talking about cranky. She was back talking, mimicking, screaming, crying, hitting, kicking, pinching, throwing herself on the floor to do some of the afore mentioned outbursts, and I'm pretty sure she thought about biting. Oh, and this is because Dusty got her Captain Crunch (which she asked for!), but when she saw I had Cheerios, she wanted Cheerios, and wasn't going to be pleased until her cereal was swapped out. I'm sure there were a few other triggers as well, since this lasted from about 9 am until noon-ish. But that was the first big one. Drove. Me. Nuts.

I've realized today that it shouldn't be too difficult to throw myself into labor with this one. Dusty and I have already talked about once it starts cooling off and I'm in my 30ish weeks, we'll start taking walks. Just short ones at first to build up my tolerance, then gradually make them longer so that when we're around 38-40 weeks, if it's not too cold, we can go for decent walks and maybe get some labor progressing. Well, this afternoon, the three of us went for a very short walk, around two blocks, and back. We weren't to the first road before I started having some pains in my lower right side, and I could definitely feel my legs and arms working from pushing the stroller. Then we were about halfway through our walk and the pain in my side spread across the whole lower part of my belly and I was cramping for the next quarter of our block. Then it all stopped as suddenly as it came on. I'm glad it stopped, but it also kind of worries me for how quickly my labor will come on when it's time. I had to be induced with Mischa, but once the cervadil did its thing, I was right into labor and didn't need the pitocin. And it was about 12 hours from the time they put the cervadil in to the time she was born! So I'm pretty sure this labor will be quick as well, I just hope it's not too fast. Dusty is worried he'll be at work when I go into labor. Why am I even going on so long about this?! I'm only 28 weeks!!

Ugh, I'm going to go shower and just enjoy some hot water. Then maybe get Emery's blanket progressing again. I swear I'm never using this stitch again. It's the puff stitch, and it's pretty and soft, but it's a pain in the butt and takes a LOT of yarn! I'm sure it doesn't help I modified the pattern a little from what the video shows, but it'll be worth it. I'll post pictures if I ever finish it.

Ok seriously, on to a fabulous shower, then some crocheting in front of the TV!
I just remembered, she's also breech and sitting Indian-style on her feet. I hope she flips soon! And her heart rate is between 137 (resting) and 148 (totally awake).

28 Weeks

Yesterday was my 28 week appointment, and it went great :). (And yes, we did find an easy alternate route to Mom's house, and made it to my appointment early)

We got there, checked in, went downstairs to drink the lovely orange drink, went back upstairs and paid Tracy for the ultrasound, did our ultrasound (pictures will follow, hold on), went back downstairs and had my blood drawn (I should have the results by tomorrow), went back upstairs for my appointment and waited for an hour for them to call me back. I'm pretty sure they called my name while I was getting my blood drawn though, then just forgot to check to see if I was back. Anyway, everything in my appointment was fine. I've gained a total of 6lbs so far, which my doctor is just glad to see me gaining. I've graduated to biweekly appointments now. I go back on the 17th.

And here are the 3D pictures :)

She was sucking on her fingers a lot, and we even saw her sticking her pinky up her nose. Lovely huh?
She's measuring about 4 days small, and she only weighs about 2lbs 4oz, so I've got another small baby :).

After my appointment, I went to get lunch, or I would have gotten sick, then off to get Mischa. I took her over to a friend's house, because she was throwing a kiddie pool party. It was nice to have some mommy talk and just let the kids run around and go crazy. There were a few pools and a sandbox, and the kids had a blast!

Well, Mischa is being her moody, pushy, clingy self, so I'll just leave you with a picture from Sunday that reminds me that she can be sweet sometimes...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Here's my verbal spew for tonight. No particular order, rhyme, or reason..

I gave up my dresser for Emery. The girl isn't even born yet, and I'm making more sacrifices than I remember. But I love her, so it's easy. What's not so easy is living out of boxes again. All my clothes are either in diaper boxes, or hanging, and it's really starting to get to me. I've had things offered to me (I had a vanity I was using for a while, and Mom offered me a dresser), but I just don't have the room for anything but a chest of drawers. It's got to fit in my closet, or it's not going to fit in our room. This is what I'm hoping to get:

It's just a cheap dresser from Walmart, but it's something! But for now, it's boxes on the closet floor... Sigh....

I have to stay up late every night catching up house work because I can only get so much done with  Mischa running around. Last night I was up almost until midnight folding and putting away 4 loads of laundry. Dusty was supposed to help me with this (I asked him before Mischa went to bed), but even though he saw me toting laundry baskets across the house, he stayed planted on his butt in front of the TV and only helped when he came in the bedroom to actually go to bed and there were piles of laundry covering the bed. And I'm getting behind on dishes again... This house will never be ready at this rate. Especially with him being gone so many weekends in September and October.... Another sigh...

Tomorrow morning is my glucose test, 3D/4D ultrasound, and 28 week appointment. Mom was supposed to come pick Mischa up at 7:30, because I have to leave at 8, but Dad's Jeep won't start so he's taking Mom's car to work. So I have to find a way through construction in the opposite direction to drop Mischa off at their house, then make it to the north side of Terre Haute by 9. I might be able to do it. Then, Dusty has to try to nap in the afternoon because he then has a 12 hour shift tomorrow night. Poor guy. But Mischa has a kiddie pool party tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully that will provide him with an opportunity to nap, and maybe that will count as my "break".

I totally forgot about Dusty helping out with Kairos, a prison ministry, until he reminded me tonight (of all nights! Seriously, he couldn't have waited until tomorrow?). He's going to be gone all day every other Saturday starting September 11th, then there's some overnighter at some point, all for training. Then he'll be gone for 4 days, 3 nights, towards the end of October for the actual Kairos weekend. And I'll be almost 36 weeks and miserable. Alone. Taking care of our 2 1/2 year old. Alone. Can you feel my stress??

Babies R Us is having a huge trade-in deal until September 17th I think, where you can trade in your old baby gear (car seat, high chair, stroller, play pen, etc.) and get 25% off of anything, as long as they are from the list of accepted brands. So we can trade in our moldy stroller and old car seat for new ones (which will never be stored in the garage!), and hopefully a high chair. We never had one with Mischa, so it would be nice to have one this time around. This is what we're shooting for:

We at least need the stroller and car seat, so we're going to put our 25% off towards those. 

Well, Dusty is out trying to find a path through the construction to make the morning easier. I need to get to bed since the alarm is set to go off at 6:15. I think I might die tomorrow. Just from sheer exhaustion.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

I kicked butt. I cleaned the kitchen, living room, Mischa's room, bathroom, did some laundry, and even got Emery's bag started. I'm awesome.
Last night didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped, but you can just revisit the picture I posted at the end of my last post and know why.

Mischa didn't even want to go. Seriously?! My parents are pretty much her favorite people in the world, and she didn't want to go over there. I asked her if she was ready to go, and she says "Not really." What two-year-old says "Not really"?! She was busy riding her bike and couldn't be bothered. So we took the bike. Then on the way there, she tells me that she doesn't want to sleep there (which was the plan!). So I told her we would talk about it when we got there and see how she felt. "Ok Mommy." After we were there a while, I informed Mom of what was said, so we asked Mischa if she wanted to sleep there or at home. She said she wanted to stay with Dza dza (my dad, and for future reference, "Bousha" is my mom). So I thought we were set. Until I told her that I needed to leave soon and she told me she didn't want to go with me. Which means, it's still been on her mind. Which explained why, when I told her I needed hugs and kisses bye-bye, she then threw herself to the floor and said she wanted to go with me. So we enticed her to stay a few hours, eat chocolate Cheerios and watch Finding Nemo, then when Dusty and I were done eating they would bring her home. I checked up on her while we were eating, and I guess anytime she heard a noise outside or at the front door, she would ask if her mommy was back. Well, I'm not really sure what happened, as she isn't home yet so I haven't had a chance to ask my parents, but I got a text later on saying Nevermind, she's staying, we'll talk to you tomorrow. So, they still have my child. And, of course, I was still up at 9:30. Not a whole lot of sleeping in, but it's been nice to just sit here and sip my coffee. And I didn't have to share my Cheerios this morning :)

I'm hoping to leisurely finish my coffee, which may not happen since I don't have Mischa to interrupt said coffee break, do dishes, and get at least the living room picked up before she gets home. I may need to ban all food from the living room because of this chick. She likes to travel too much!

Well, I'll leave you with the most recent belly shot, taken Monday at 27 weeks, featuring Mischa in her new Colts jersey. Which she refused to take off for two days. What a kid. I love her :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Does the exhaustion never end??!! Ugghhhh.....

Anyway, I did my cousin Samantha's senior pictures Wednesday. It was a lot of traveling (eight locations) and lots of work, but very worth the outcome. It was fun too, I'm not going to lie.

And here is how the past week has been for me:

Over EVERYTHING. I'm not kidding. The pictured meltdown was because she ate all the top crust off of the Hawaiian bread the day before, and the bottom crust wasn't good enough. And it's really been that wonderful. My parents are taking her overnight tonight, and I am looking forward to it, but I wish she wasn't like this all day. She's in a good mood for the moment, but who knows what that will drastically change. Her fits have gotten dangerous lately. She doesn't seem to care how many spankings she gets, she keeps kicking (which is where it gets dangerous, she's been kicking my stomach accidentally). I know she needs more sleep, but she won't nap, and when she does, she wakes up more mean than she was before the nap! I can't win!

And she's started copying. Oh. My. Lord. 
She will copy everything Dusty or I say, even when we start counting, until we get to "3", then she immediately covers her booty and whines that she doesn't want a spanking. She is such a two year old.

Supposedly, Dusty and I are having a date night tonight, but now I'm not so sure. I'm already exhausted from dealing with Mischa's tantrums all day (she had a few meltdowns in Dairy Queen. Lovely.), and he isn't able to leave work early like he was hoping. So that puts us having dinner after 8pm. I'm not sure I can do that.

I'm too tired to think anymore right now. I think I'll go snuggle the couch... If Mischa's feeling nice enough, maybe she'll join me.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

There is so much to catch up on. Andrea. Indy Zoo. Baby shopping. Diaper bags. Almost melt down in Hobby Lobby. Etc...

*Deep breath*

Ok, so Andrea was released from the hospital and sent home, just the beginning signs of preeclampsia. But she FINALLY has her c-section date, and we will be meeting Miss Evelyn Mae on September 7th :). Well, that's when she'll be born. We won't be attempting to visit until that weekend or later. I really don't want to crowd her. I know she's got a huge group of friends, and I know a lot of family are planning on being there during her c-section (in the waiting room, of course), and I just don't want to add to the chaos.

Our trip to the zoo was amazing and totally worth the exhaustion! I'm particularly fond of this photo:
Ok, I'm getting ahead of myself.. First off, our hotel room was AMAZING. Definitely going back there. We stayed at the Best Western Atrea and had the best stay ever. 
Mischa jumping around on the awesome beds :)

I wish I had taken pictures of Mischa swimming in the pool, but we were too busy having fun to stop and take pictures. After swimming (which was cut short because of a poopy swimmers), we showered and headed out for dinner. Pizza Hut. My heartburn fired up just smelling the pizza. But it was worth it. After Pizza Hut, we headed to Walmart. I needed creamer, because I needed coffee. During our hunt for a parking lot, we saw an empty box in an empty parking spot. Someone had bought a grill, assembled it, and left the box. Only in Indiana. But oh, it gets better! While in the check out line, a young lady, probably about my age, pushed her cart into the next check out line. She had her infant son in the seat, he was probably about 9 months old, and her boyfriend/husband PASSED OUT DRUNK in the back of the cart with all their groceries piled on top of him. Seriously?! If you're that drunk (at 6pm!), maybe you should have stayed home! Again, only in Indiana. Or maybe Michigan... (just to frustrate my cousin, who swears Michigan is the best state ever... More on her later...)

Bedtime was difficult that evening, just because it was so quiet and unlike home in the hotel room. But once Mischa fell asleep, she was gone the entire night. Dusty and I, on the other hand, had the worst time trying to sleep. I don't know what his problem was, but I was constantly checking on Mischa, who was in her own bed, to make sure she wasn't falling out.

Saturday, we got up early and were at the zoo by 10:30. Which is crazy for us. Anyway, we had a GREAT time! Mischa is still talking about all the animals she saw, including the dolphin show. Here are a few pictures:

On the way home.

Baby shopping. I made us all pack up and go shopping yesterday. I think we're doing Emmy's little area in our room with a Paris theme, and I wanted to find a poster to go over the crib, so we went to Hobby Lobby. I about had a melt down because I couldn't find what I was looking for, but in all fairness, I didn't know what I was looking for. So I gave up, and we headed to Babies R Us. 
We ended up buying a diaper bag there, because I really don't think we'll be able to order the two diaper bags we want, and I'm really wanting to get her bag packed and ready. I already have my toiletry bag ready. Still have lots of time to work on everything else! Anyway, I was having a really hard time (emotional, hormonal, tired, hungry, cranky, couldn't find the right poster, couldn't get the right diaper bag, etc), but I'm falling in love with this thing. I know that whatever we get, it's going to be my purse for who knows how long, and I'll be packing not only Emmy's things, but also Mischa's pull ups and wipes as well. Potty training is taking a little longer than anticipated, but that's ok. But um, yeah. This fits the bill, and I'm sure it'll last through Emmy, and hopefully whoever is next as well. At least it better, for what we spent on it!

After Babies R Us, we headed to the mall and ate, and that put both Mischa and I in a better mood. Chinese food is amazing.

Side note: Dusty is convinced that we can have our bedroom, Mischa's (the girls') bedroom, and the living room painted before Emery is born. We'll see about that. But it would definitely be awesome.

On to my cousin, Samantha. She's been staying with my parents for about a week and a half now, and I'll be doing her senior pictures tomorrow. There are lots of locations on our list, and I hope I have the energy for it! But they'll turn out amazing. She's a gorgeous girl :). My list of photography shoots that I have no experience in is getting smaller, and it's all happening pretty quickly. This is turning out to be quite rewarding :). If only people would start booking more appointments...

Anyway, just 6 days until we see our baby girl again, and we're SO excited!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I can barely keep my eyes open through the day. I find myself more often wondering what have I gotten myself into? What was I thinking?? I had the worst exhaustion ever with Mischa, why put myself through that again when I already have a toddler running around? Then my "lets be tired and complain about everything" alter ego gets drowned out by my super mommy alter ego, and everything is alright with the world again.

I've been nesting like ....well, like a pregnant woman. Emery's space in our bedroom is basically ready, except for needing to exchange some diapers and, of course, bringing home miss Emery. I tend to push myself too hard (and therefore get myself into trouble with Dusty, oops), so since I got that space ready yesterday, I'm done for a few days. Which is convenient, since we're going out of town tomorrow. I shouldn't get the nesting urge until we get back!

My SIL Andrea was admitted to the hospital yesterday afternoon for possible preeclampsia, so we won't be doing her maternity pictures this weekend. I really will be surprised if little Evie doesn't have an August birthday. I think she's still just under observation since they're just waiting to test results to verify preeclampsia, but I haven't heard from her or her husband since yesterday, so I don't really know for sure what's going on right now. But I know she's right where she should be, and in the best of care. :) I'm probably too excited to see her baby, but knowing that she's totally ready to be done being pregnant makes me feel less guilty.

It's 10:15, I still have all the packing to do for this weekend (leaving tomorrow!), still need to do a load of laundry, but I'm just going to enjoy my Ben & Jerry's for the moment. Gotta get back to my hubby and our Friday night tradition (yes, I realize it's Thursday, get over it). I love this man :).

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sooo tired!!!

Now that the third trimester is just around the corner (at 28 weeks! I'm 26 weeks 1 day today), I'm wondering where the heck is my second trimester energy boost?! It's like lost luggage. I just need to come to terms with the fact that I'll never see it, and move on.

So, in light of my exhaustion, totally not taking into account that I'm ready for bed by 5 pm, we're taking Mischa to the zoo Friday, staying overnight in a fabulous (but affordable) hotel, and then spending Saturday doing maternity photos for my SIL. By the time this weekend is over, we will have made some fabulous memories, and made me dead tired. But it will be totally worth it. :)

Emery has been growing almost daily. Which means I'm going to sound complaining and mention that my back aches and I've been having cramps when I walk (not going on a walk walking, but like walking from the kitchen to the couch). But she's also been doing new things, like pushing a foot out and letting me feel how little it is (then pulling back said foot and kicking as hard as she can, as if to say "psych!"). 

My cousin Samantha is staying with my parents and sisters for about a week and a half, so we went over there and visited for the day. Bedtime still took forever. But we had a good time visiting over there.

Well, my nightly heart burn is kicking in, and Dusty won't stop talking or backing up the TV so I can see something I may have missed (like an AT&T commercial), so I guess I'm done for now.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

25 weeks :)

We get to see our lovely again in 3 weeks!! Today, Mischa and I had an impromptu photo shoot, and she honestly had control of the remote for the most part. I just wanted to share before heading to bed :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

And just as I'm getting ready for bed, I remember that the Pepcid expired in February. So I'm stuck with Tums for tonight.

Another random tidbit really quick: Mischa, if she wants anything greater or increased, she wants it louder. Yes, music louder, but also if she's in bed and wants covered up higher, she wants the blankets 'louder'. Or the water 'louder' if it needs turned up more. It's too cute!!

Life Is Wonderful :)

Ok, so I've been on this emotional high since we found out that Dusty is FINALLY getting the bonus from work that they were supposed to have approved by May. Yeah, last time I checked, it's August. But anyway..... that's going to really help us get out of a sticky financial situation that we're in (long story short, his supervisor switched up his schedule, which meant a small check that was unexpected, then they also cut his pay with no warning) and get us back on track. I know this emotional high will be over tomorrow when I sit down to write out bills (we don't get the bonus check until next week), but I'm soaking it up while I can!

I've been looking at diaper bags because the one I have from Mischa is a little worn, and Dusty has requested a more manly bag this time around so he doesn't feel like his manhood is being questioned (my interpretation). And I am SO excited about the ones I have found! The one on the top is obviously more for me, but the other one we're both in love with. We're hoping that these can be our little splurge with the bonus he's getting (after we're responsible adults and pay bills and take Mischa on a shopping spree... errmm.... get her winter clothes like jeans and stuff...)

I'm really not sure if I'm actually having a baby shower this time around. I'd love to, but no one on Dusty's side has really mentioned throwing one, I'm not allowed to throw one for myself, and my mom and baby sister Jackie (ok so she's 12, she's still the baby) are talking about throwing one in October, but I just never know what's going to happen lol. I'm sure they're well-intentioned, but they're busy people! They've got better things to do. Anyway, I've made a registry anyway, maybe just for my own mind's sake of having a list of some sort somewhere. So, just so I can say I've registered and told someone.... Hey, I'm registered at BabiesRUs!

This is something else I've registered for. (Forgive the formatting.)
And I'm determined to get it lol. I've heard a lot of criticism about this wash pod (by Lionheart), but I really think it's a good idea! I've tried the traditional bath with Mischa, and it was always a rough time for her. So I'm going to give this one a try. I hope it works out, because is seems like it would be more comfortable for the baby. Yes, it's a glorified bucket, but it has a cushion in it! And it keeps the baby in the comfort of the fetal position, and she can be up to her shoulders in warm water. No, I'm not trying to convince myself of this! I'm sold!

Quick update on Miss Emery herself, and not just things I want to buy for her..

She's doing fantastic :). Growing lots, keeping me uncomfortable! I'm amazed at how shallow my belly button is. I never lost it with Mischa, but it's looking like quite the possibility this time. She likes to scratch me every now and then, which is the most painful pregnancy experience I can think of besides labor itself. She's doing it as I type, and I really wish she would stop. She's been doing it off and on all day. I thought maybe she lost interest in it because she hasn't done it in a few weeks, but here we are again...

She LOVES her daddy :). She's getting to the point where she's getting squished and likes to stretch out as much as possible, and when she does that, the only way to get her to stop is to have Dusty talk to her. And it's like she just goes limp! Sweet relief!

Her personality just cracks me up already, because she's SO much like Mischa. These two are going to be interesting! Last week, Mischa fell asleep with her hand on my belly, and she was obviously oblivious to Emery kicking the crap out of her arm! It was like my stomach was having a seizure, and Mischa was blissfully unaware of anything but the inside of her eyelids. Which, by the way, bedtime is getting to be rather difficult. Mischa still likes to have me (and only me!) hold her as she falls asleep, but we're working on getting her to put herself to sleep. We do our bedtime prayers, and have some cuddle time (otherwise she just plays around and bedtime takes hours), then when she's all relaxed she'll crawl in bed and fall asleep after a while. It worked two nights this week. Tonight, though, she was so tired, she passed out during our cuddle time. So I had to lift her into to bed, but it wasn't too bad since I hadn't done too much today to strain my back. That won't work tomorrow though. We have lots of running to do. Fridays suck in that sense.

On to photography business real quick. The maternity shoot went amazing, and I'll try to post a few pictures this weekend. I've been SOOO tired, which is why it takes me so long to update this. But we'll get back to pregnancy stuff later. I am so excited to have the experience of doing maternity pictures. It has me motivated and inspired to do my own. I'm also really hoping to do someone's newborn photos soon. I really want to get that experience as well. Having done these photography jobs (the wedding, and now the maternity session), has already helped my "publicity". I already have one, and possibly three, maternity sessions planned. My SIL Andrea (who has been on bedrest for 14 weeks!! Wonder woman there!), just has a few more weeks until we meet her little Evelyn, and she's asked me to photo her belly :). Her pregnancy has really been a miracle, and I'm so excited to have such an awesome part of documenting it. She has some really creative ideas, so it's going to be fun! And two of my friends, who are both due in January, have asked me to do their maternity photos as well. I'm hoping to be able to, I just hope they're willing to do them in October. I just do not think I'll be up for it in November.

It is now past midnight, which is nothing new for me. Heartburn from hell has been keeping me up until 1am or later lately, which is why I've been so exhausted. Even sitting straight up, and having not eaten for a few hours, I was feeling the acid creeping up my throat. Not a good feeling. I discovered today that I DO have some Pepcid Complete, and I will be taking that soon in hopes that I can sleep through the night! Normally, I just use Tums, but it's not been cutting it. I'll take two, and an hour later wake up needing more. If I even got to sleep in between doses.

My next appointment is at the end of the month. I'll be 28 weeks, and we also have our 3D ultrasound scheduled for that day. Unfortunately, so is my glucose test. Thankfully it's just the 1 hour long one. Unless they screw up my lab order sheet again like they did when I was pregnant with Mischa, and they make me do the 3 hour. I will make someone's day as awful as mine if they do that again. (I had to do the 3 hour, then someone realized the mistake, I had to go back in for the 1 hour. Failed it, and had to go yet again for the 3 hour. Not fun.)

So, since it takes me forever to update (and I then end up write a novel), my next blog ought to full of awesome stuff!!

PS- Since it is after midnight, it is also officially my Uncle Ronnie's birthday. My parents and Jackie are leaving tomorrow to stay with the extended family for the weekend and be a support net for my grandma. We, unfortunately, can't make it, but I wish we could. It still hits me hard some days that he's gone, and.... it's really hard to be ok with it.