Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Well, I failed my 3 hour glucose test, so I officially have gestational diabetes. I have an appointment Thursday morning with the diabetes specialist to go over my new diet and get my testing kit. I found this out right after I finished off a small Chocolate X-treme Blizzard. I'm horrible.

I'm still having irregular contractions and cramping, but I can function. I've noticed that I'm getting worn out quicker. I had to take two breaks while I did dishes today, and that was just one sink load of dishes! Ugh...

I'm pretty sure Emery is trying to flip herself over. She's been kicking the left side of my pelvis and squirming a bit lower under my right side. And today she feels like she's a bit more transverse. I hope she gets this flip over with, because this is so uncomfortable.

Evelyn Mae was born at 9:25 this morning! She was 7lbs 4oz, and 20 1/4 inches long. She's so cute! All I've seen is pictures, but we're hoping to go up and visit Friday, so I can't wait to see her! I'm loving seeing all the pictures and updates about her, but it's making me want my little girl so badly!!

Mischa just woke up. It's 10 pm, and she's been asleep since about 6:30. I'm not sure if I'm going to get any sleep tonight...

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