Thursday, September 16, 2010

I had a list of things I wanted to remember to blog about the next time I got on here, but they're not so interesting in this moment, so I'm not going to go there :).

Today was my 30 week check up. All things considered, it was really good. Dr Y says my glucose numbers look really good, besides the random high ones (but he understands I'm still learning what works and what doesn't), and he says that if they continue to look good at my next appointment then I may get to skip every other day with the poking as long as I keep with the diet! Yay for less button holes! I actually remembered to ask my questions this time, I'm so proud of myself. I told him that I know she's transverse (how could I miss that one - ouch!), so how long do I have for her to flip? He said that generally they like to see them head-down by 36 weeks, and if she doesn't feel like she's in position to him then he'll order an ultrasound to see exactly how she's laying. So Emery has 6 weeks to make up her mind! And it had better be to finish flipping! I also asked him when he planned to start the cervical checks since I was fingertip dilated when I was in L&D. Well, we had to go over again WHY I was in L&D, then the fact that the contractions have slowed but not stopped came up, as well as the fact that I lost part of my plug already. So he said since it's been two weeks, and I'm still having contractions, then he should do another fFn test just to be on the safe side (the results are for the following two weeks). So not only did I get swabbed for that, then he checked my cervix and it hasn't changed. Which is good. She doesn't need to come too early, but I won't be disappointed if she's around for Halloween! I get the results from the fFn tomorrow, but I'm sure it'll be negative again.

My mom fell last week, off of a chair, and hit her head on a metal bed frame. Dad took her to the ER, she had an x-ray and a cat scan done, and they told her that she had a contusion and sent her home to rest. The next day, she read her discharge papers and she actually has a concussion. She went to the doctor today because she's losing brain function (short term memory loss, confusion, fatigue, nausea, etc.), and she has another cat scan in the morning to compare to the one that was done in the ER. If they find anything, she'll be taken into surgery. I'm praying that whatever happens, whatever is found or not found, that she'll heal quickly and not get any worse. She's in pain and miserable, and very frustrated with what's going on. She's a tough cookie, and has been through a lot. I hate that she's going through this too.

Mischa wore underwear today :). From about noon until 7ish, she didn't have any accidents at all. But then we were at my parents' house, and I'm sure she was just busy visiting and forgot to hold it and peed all over the floor. She felt TERRIBLE. Not that she did anything wrong, but it was obvious she was upset with herself. She's such an intelligent little girl!

We're being screwed over by our electric company. We signed up our account for the fixed bill thing they sent us a letter about (one fixed amount for a year, and no settle up at the end of the year), and the guy I spoke with made a few mistakes in what he was telling me, such as, he said we owed a certain amount by the end of the month then then next bill would start our fixed billing. Well, it turns out that it was a different amount due September 8th, so now it looks like we didn't pay a bill, and they want us to pay over $300! They want our entire account balance. And they want $200 of it by the 30th. No one will say, yes he made a mistake, they won't take the blame for anything. They just want us to pay up. I'm not so sure how things are going to work out, but I am beyond stressed. I know we'll get out of this eventually, but I hate how everything seems to go horribly wrong financially just before we have a baby!

Off topic real quick, I guess my aunts ARE getting us at least the carseat, but it won't be for a while because they don't have the money right now. But I've been told that I will have it before Emery is born. Thank God.

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