Monday, September 13, 2010

30 weeks today!!

It's been a crazy few days. And I sit here eating my sugar free jello (because I can have as much as I want, and I want it all!), trying to figure out where to start...

Ok, starting with our first adventure of the weekend, we were getting ready to head out of town to visit Mike and Andrea and the new baby, and the car battery died. Not when we piled in with all our junk, but when Dusty went to restart it after FILLING it at the gas station. It just died. Completely drained. We called another family member to give us a jump, and the dern thing wouldn't even hold a charge. So Mischa and I walked across the street and hung out at Dairy Queen while Dusty went with Kyle and bought a new car battery. There went my gas money for the week, and then some. The battery was seriously almost $100! So, no maternity pics for me (I was supposed to go visit a friend in Evansville, and she was going to do my maternity pictures for free. She's an AWESOME photographer!). But I am very thankful that it was only a battery, and not anything more serious or expensive!

We did get up there safely, although a bit later than we had planned. But that worked out just fine, because they already had company there. I was able to do a quick newborn session with little Evelyn, and here are some of the results:
She really was such a cooperative little model (once she got her belly full!). She's so adorable! And she made me want it to be November sooo badly, haha. But then we got home, reality struck, and we're so totally not ready. I loved visiting with them; we haven't just hung out in what feels like forever. But I am glad we left when we did because it was obvious they were exhausted (they had just got home from the hospital that day!), Emery wasn't too keen on the idea of me being around another baby at times, and dear lord I seriously had let down when Evelyn started crying before we left. So that was a huge flag that it was time to go lol.

Let's see... Well, yesterday we finally went grocery shopping. Although we went over budget, I feel so much better having things in the house that I can eat! Such as the SF Jello... I need a refill...
Anyway, >>TMI ALERT<< I lost part of my mucous plug as we were leaving Walmart. I don't remember that starting so early with Mischa. I'm pretty sure it wasn't until after 35 weeks. But my next appointment is Thursday, so I'll definitely be bringing that one up.

It doesn't look like we'll be getting the carseat and stroller we wanted. At least not anytime soon, and definitely not during the trade in sale at Babies R Us. One of my aunts offered to help pay for them, and my mom told me that my aunt was actually going to be splitting the cost with another aunt. But since I tried to take her up on the offer, I haven't heard from her, and she hasn't mentioned it to my mom. So I'm taking it as she either hasn't gotten my message, or it's a no.

My mom and sister are still trying to figure out what theme to go with for my baby shower (which I guess is on for next month... they might want to jump on a few things..). They're torn between just sticking with their original plan of a diaper shower (which is fine by me), or going Famous Hollywood Moms themed. I asked her how in the world do you plan a theme like that (in my mind, I'm picturing life size cutouts of Angelina Jolie and Madonna strategically placed around the room), and she starts listing things like trivia and some game I don't even remember. I know that whatever they plan, it will be hilariously fun, at least to us. I'm just not sure if everyone else would get our humor... But we'd be having an awesome time ;).

Ummm... I think that brings me up to date... Need more Jello...

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