Sunday, June 27, 2010

Just 5 more days!

We have our anatomy ultrasound Friday morning, and I'm pretty sure this is going to be the longest week of my life so far. Then, even after we find out, we can't tell anyone! We'll be telling Dusty's family that night, then we have to wait until Sunday to tell my family, so Saturday will be torture as well! Maybe I'll spend it washing baby clothes...

Good news on my SIL, she got to go home from the hospital Thursday. Her cervix evidently is better now than it was before she was even on bedrest. She's still on bedrest, but just being home is always more comfortable. And hopefully she gets to stay there until she has her baby!

Last night, we went to a Project Revolution concert, and it pretty much sucked. I think we were spoiled on the awesomeness of the X-Fest a few years ago when we saw Fireflight. Seventh Day Slumber played last night, and we just got the vibe that they were just doing it because they were getting paid, and we couldn't enjoy it. It was too much of a "show", and they didn't even seem to be enjoying themselves. So after flirting with heat exhaustion, we hit Wendy's and went home. I'm still not feeling so great, and my lower back is still killing me. And Mischa has a slight fever, and we're not sure if it's from last night's festivities (the kid never sat still!), or if she picked something up. We missed church this morning because we slept through the alarm, and now it's looking like we'll miss tonight since she has a fever and is cranky and clingy. At least I'll miss it. Dusty will probably go anyway. And that's fine. It sounds horrible, but I'm not up to it. There isn't any child care for the evening service, so I'd be fighting Mischa trying to keep her entertained and in our aisle.

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