Friday, May 7, 2010

Pregnancy Brain Strikes Again!

So, I faded quickly last night and forgot many things I planned on sharing. And I'm sure it will happen again halfway through this post, so here's a little list to remind myself why I'm here again today:
  1. Pregnancy dreams.
  2. Pregnancy nightmares.
  3. Mischa's inability to share toys.

Ok, we should be good now :). I'm going to start by mentioning that tonight my cat goes out in the garage for the night, because even though I let Mischa stay up a little later than normal in hopes that she would sleep in today, the furry booger shoved her door open, slamming it into her closet door, waking her at 8 this morning. And I didn't get to bed until midnight last night. I know that's partially my own fault, I was ordering pictures of Mischa on Walmart's website, but they also just need to speed up their site (pass the blame :D).

Ok, so on to my list! Pregnancy dreams and nightmares I'll tackle together. For about a week straight I was waking up around 2 to go pee (go figure), and it never failed that once I went back to bed, I had horrible nightmares until Mischa woke me up around 8:30. They started off being kind of stupid. I remember one was that my husband decided he was going to openly have a girlfriend on the side, they'd be hanging out in our house or making out in the garage, and he thought it was funny that I was getting so upset. I won't lie, I woke up totally pissed and upset still! But I know that's something my husband will never do. So after a couple nights of him cheating on me (in my dreams), then my nightmares turned more sinister. For those 6 hours, I was fighting for my life. Sometimes battling demonic figures, sometimes people I knew. I don't remember all of them, but I remember that every day after a nightmare, it would eat at me all day. I would wake up feeling like I had been running all night long, and I needed a nap. It was horrible. They haven't been bad at all lately, just weird. Last night I had two different dreams, one about an odd field trip on a train and suddenly there were people that I hadn't heard from or thought of in years wishing me a good trip. And I had a horse given to me by a friend, and she had named it after an ex-boyfriend of hers. That part was really weird. The other dream was that my uncle had a new huge house that we were all visiting, and he was chasing me and my cousin around the house and we were trying to hide from him (all in fun), so while he ran around the house looking for us, we snuck outside and started cleaning up after the family BBQ, cracking up the entire time. I woke up almost laughing too.

And Mischa, she just can't seem to wrap her mind around the fact that the baby in Mommy's belly is another person. We went through her toys and sorted out the baby toys, and she decided which ones to give away or keep. But now that the baby toys are in another toy box, she's bringing me some of them and saying "This is MINE!" I've been trying to explain to her that some toys are for babies, and some toys are for big girls, but that she and baby can share all of them when the baby gets bigger. I think she's worried I'm going to start taking all her things away and giving them to the new intruder. She always goes through her room and asks "Is this mine?" And I have to keep telling her that everything in her room is hers, but the toys in the elephant toy box are baby toys. I think she'll get it. We've got time to work on it. Whether or not she'll be potty trained before the baby comes is a totally different story...

We were doing really good for a few weeks, sometimes she could go half a day with the same pull-up because she was always going pee in the toilet. But the past few days, she just can't be bothered with going to the toilet or even getting her pull-up changed when she pees in it. And we're back to her realizing she has to go pee as she's peeing, so then she's frustrated with herself when she does try to sit on the toilet because nothing will come out (she's already peed her pull-up).

Well, it is about time for lunch. It's Friday, so we meet Dusty's grandma and mom at Dairy Queen at noon (his mom's lunch break), and we get some nice time with them. Mischa adores them :). So I need to go wake him up so we can take our turns showering (dear Lord, do we both need it!).

Next blog will include:
  1. Uncle Ronnie info. It's been a long 4 months.
  2. Mother's Day, how it pertains to Uncle Ronnie, and what I expect to get out of it.
  3. Relay For Life tonight and our wonderful friend this is for.

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