Thursday, May 6, 2010

Blog.... about my pets?!

So the hubby is on nights again, so computer freedom :)

Thankfully tonight is his last night, so no more sleeping alone for another week and a half.

I hate my dog. I'm not a dog person, but we just always seem to pick the stupid ones. He always tries to run to the house before I let him off the chain. My cat is being a jerk. He keeps trying to trip me whenever I walk. He won't stay off my stomach when I'm laying down. And he won't stay out of my daughter's room when she's sleeping. I'm always up several times a night to pull her door closed again, and shut my door again. I would close her door completely if I thought she wouldn't freak out, but I know she would. Since Dusty is off work starting tomorrow, we'll be putting the cat out in the garage at night until he goes back on nights. Our cat is just so annoying. He seems to think he always needs attention. He's such a sissy cat. He even tries to sleep on my pillow at night, or right inbetween my legs or my husband and I. Oh it's really interesting when I'm sleeping on my stomach (well, that doesn't happen anymore) and he decides to lay on my back. And he isn't a small kitty anymore! He's about 8-10 pounds (4 years old), and I swear half his weight is in fur, but that's besides the point. Maybe it's just my hormones making me irritable, but then again my pets were annoying before!

I totally didn't mean to blog about my pets. So random.

My daughter busted her eye AGAIN! I swear people are going to think I'm abusing her, and that freaks me out. The first time was before her 2nd birthday. She tripped over her toys in the bathroom and hit the edge of the tub, and so she has a black eye in her birthday pictures. A few days ago, she laid a pillow across from the couch to the coffee table, then tried to lean on it to grab something from the table, and of course it didn't hold her up. So now she has another black eye! This one is worse than the last one was. But she always seems proud of her battle wounds after the pain subsides, so when I took a picture of it she's got her dimply grin!

Well, I'm catching up on a few shows before heading to bed. Just finished an episode of CSI NY from April 14. I'm so behind on everything! Thank God for DVR!

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