Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Mawmaw died two weeks ago. And I'll be having my baby within the next two weeks. I am so exhausted and really don't feel much like explaining everything right now, but for those who are checking up on me, now you know the basics lol.

My last appointment was on Friday, and I'm fingertip dilated and 50% effaced, Emery is at -2 station. We'll induce at 39 weeks if I make it that far. I will be officially full term at 37 weeks in a few minutes. My next appointment is this coming Friday, and we're only taking it a week at a time because of my contractions.

I had a little Tigger today for Halloween, and taking her around trick-or-treating this weekend about put me into full labor. I'm glad for the break right now. Of course, while I cheat on my gestational diabetes diet and eat her candy. Not all of it, Dusty's bringing me Taco Bell. :)

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